Thursday, March 7, 2013

dad, diana + the canadian

This is what happens when Dad comes to visit us and brings home a Diana Mini... and then the Canadian shows up for a surprise.

Monday, March 4, 2013

paper and strings

The Zilker Kite Festival has got to be one of the best events in Austin. Anyone take their homemade kites and can enter different kite-flying contests, everyone else just flies their store bought kites. This year we got ours at Toy Joy for a fair price, packed a picnic, and waited an hour in traffic just to find out the road was closed and we should've taken a route to the other side. Oh well, at least we got there before the sun went down and had a great time. A couple years ago I produced a multimedia video for The Daily Texan if you just can't get enough kites. I promised Kyle and Lindsey that I wouldn't be "the photographer"today. What can I say, I can't help it. Here are some photos I took with my iPhone.

Zilker Kite Festival - March 3, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

photog friday: the yearbook photographer

This Friday is dedicated to the yearbook photographer and taking all of those horrible pictures of us growing up. Seriously... I don't think there is a single good yearbook photo of me until maybe the last two years of high school, and even then.

I got a little taste of what it's like to be a yearbook photographer today. It was my first official time in a legitimate lighting studio with a friend that I've known since those criminal yearbook photos were taken. It was really neat to have grown up together and be able to photograph her for her first business card. Congratulations to Shan, who is now a real estate agent!

Shan - March 1, 2013