So, I was trolling all the recent videos from The Ellen Show on the internet today, and on the show Ellen did a segment about the most depressing day of the year. According to a study, that was Monday - the third Monday of the new year. Why? One: it's cold. Two, holiday bills are starting to come in, and people have to find the money for all the presents they bought, or didn't buy. Three, they start giving up on their New Year's resolutions. I'm glad to say that none of those apply for me right now. It feels like summer in Texas right now - we should've listened more about that global warning stuff, huh? I paid in full for all the holiday presents I bought, although it did put a large dent in my pocketbook (that I don't have). Lastly, I am still going with my New Year's resolution of posting on my blog everyday - almost - I missed yesterday (due to computer issues, I swear), but I'm not giving up.
Here is what I did on the bluest day of the year - I dragged my sister out of bed and forced her to come with me to the MLK Day festival (we didn't wake up early enough for the parade). I finally got my butt out of the house and took pictures of a big event for myself and it feels really good. Here is one of the munchkin mooching, as always.
Cotton Candy - Austin, Texas - January 21, 2013 |
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