Tuesday, January 8, 2013

the pass to the north

This is another late-ish post, but I'm trying to remain dedicated to my goal. I was relaxing on the couch and jumped up as a remembered that I had forgotten to post. Today, my dad drove into town with my little sister, you know, driving the little one back to college. She will always be 13 years old in my mind. While scrambling, it got me thinking about things we've worked on together. This is a very short film that I'm really proud of. For a film class I had about a year ago, we had an exercise to film a short in less then seven shots that involved either a bike or a theft. I chose theft, of course--it's more exciting. I was heading home that weekend to El Paso and wasn't sure how I was going to do this. But, I arrived with my flip video, and with the help of my mom, dad, and sister, we cranked this one out in a couple of hours.

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